
Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Chuck it in the right bin

This week we are making movies about our school korero. This is the movie I made with my friends about Chuck it in the right ben!

Friday, 15 November 2019

guinea pig

this is the best day on frday the 15 of November it is the best math day ha I Finished of 1 now I’m up to my Second ee see you soon

Friday, 18 October 2019


i like the the way I Finished my maths it is  Great to finish maths


on Monday I went without my Mum and my dad to the shop. when we got to the shop we got some chips then we went back home next day  we went to Park save.

then after that me and my dad and muM went back home I felt happy because I like the way my muM and dad Talk me to the shop. 

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Something in the water

On Monday morning we went to an assemblY. At the assembly we learnt keeping our water clean and keeping our fish healthy. I liked the movies. 

Friday, 14 June 2019

The castle

In the flaming sky I see red and orange. in the sky next I saw a big castle it was 

huge it had sharp pointed turrets and tall strong walls and the leaves smell

rotting in a tiny town far from the big castle.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Rusty the robot

Once upon a time there was an robot caalled rutsy. Rusty’s head was an old light Andy his legs were an old spring and the other leg was a metal pin. Rusty lived in a junkyard with scrap metal an dold cars. The cars were broken and old. One day Rusty tried to make his very own friend. Rusty found an old plug but the plug was dead. Rusty wanted a friend. He was lonely. He jumped on the car engine and saw a wire. He put the wire on and got electrocuted. Rusty sat until he met a robot with a fan head. He asked “do you want to be my friend” “ yes” said Rusty. They sat on the pipe and they became good friends. They were best friends forever. 

Friday, 15 March 2019


At camp we saw tents. The tents were blue and orange and black. The tents were big. We walked around and around The tents and we talked about it. It was fun. The year 5-6 camp went kayaking played cracking and swimming I can’t wait for year camp. 

Friday, 8 February 2019

About me

hi my name is Aisea.I am 7 years old . I live in Pt England. I have have 2 sisters and 1 brothe. My favourite  colour is blue. My favourite food is burgers. My favourite TV show is Spider-Man.